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News & Analysis

Patenting Molecular Diagnostics

17 May 2023 by LexOrbis - DPS Parmar

The patent eligibility in every jurisdiction differs in content and form. It perhaps finds its justification in the stage of development the country is placed in relation to inventions of new technology or its adoption by the state technology groups.

News & Analysis

Product Hopping and Ever-Greening of Patents in India

20 April 2023 by LexOrbis - Arun Kumar (Managing associate)

The Indian pharmaceutical market is one of the largest markets in the globe, both in terms of production and consumption. Several changes have been made to the patent and competition law due to the increasing challenges in the pharmaceutical market that directly impact the profit margin of pharmaceutical manufacturers. To increase these margins, pharmaceutical product manufacturing firms employ a variety of strategies. This article investigates the concept of “product hopping” and compares it with the practice of patent evergreening.

News & Analysis

Legal Alert: Indonesia – New Merger Filing Regulation

13 April 2023 by SSEK Law Firm

Indonesia’s competition authority, the KPPU (Komisi Pengawas Persaingan Usaha), has issued a new merger filing regulation, KPPU Regulation No. 3 of 2023 regarding Evaluation of Merger, Consolidation, or Acquisition of Shares and/or Assets which May Result in Monopolistic Practices and/or Unfair Competition (“KPPU Reg 3/2023”). Because this regulation is so new, certain provisions may require further clarification. Nonetheless, based on the text of the regulation, the following appear to be the biggest changes under KPPU Reg 3/2023

News & Analysis

Enforcement of Store Layout Trademarks in India – An uphill battle for brand owners

28 March 2023 by Rahul Chaudhry & Partners - Farhaan Rizvi

A visually appealing store is a crucial asset for any business aiming to provide a consistent quality of goods and services across its stores . These stores featuring a distinct theme design commonly seen on their signage, wall arts, overall décor etc. not only reflects a cohesive brand imagery of the business but also create a lasting impression on the customers, strengthening their brand recall value.

News & Analysis

New Financial Sector Omnibus Law: Capital Market, Money Market, and Forex Market

27 March 2023 by Makarim & Taira S - Indonesia

Our dedicated series on the P2SK Law continues with our latest Advisory, which explores the changes brought by Chapter V, amending the Capital Market, Money Market, and Forex Market. Following the enactment of the P2SK Law, we can expect many new implementing regulations in the financial sector. Participants in the financial markets should anticipate compliance changes and prepare to quickly adapt to any necessary adjustments.

News & Analysis

DeHeng Strengthens Position in Hong Kong with Merger with Respected Local Firm Chungs Lawyers to Form DeHeng Law Offices (Hong Kong) LLP

24 March 2023 by Chungs Lawyers in association with DeHeng Law Offices - Hong Kong

DeHeng Law Offices (“DeHeng”), one of the largest Chinese law firms with a global presence, recently announced the successful completion of its merger with a local law firm in Hong Kong, as part of its efforts to enhance its service offerings in the Asian financial hub.

News & Analysis

Korean Tax Law and Regulation Updates for 2023

20 February 2023 by Lee & Ko - South Korea

Korea’s latest tax reforms package was approved by the National Assembly in December 2022, with further details made clear by the Presidential Enforcement Decree which was published in January 2023. Before going into the details of the Korean tax reforms for 2023, it is important to consider the wider global context and domestic political context in which these reforms have been made, in order to understand some of the rationale underlying the reforms.

News & Analysis

Anand and Anand launches ‘Digital Group’

20 February 2023 by Anand and Anand - India

In its centenary year, Tier I full-service Intellectual Property firm Anand and Anand today announced the launch of its ‘Digital Group’.

News & Analysis

Missed deadline: Remedy under the Indian Patent Laws

07 February 2023 by LexOrbis - Manisha Singh (Partner) & Krishna Goyal (Associate)

The process to obtain a patent entails multiple stages from the filing of a patent application to the grant of the patent. There are various deadlines associated with each of these stages, such as the date of filing an application for the grant of patent and the date of filing the Request for Examination (RFE). The Indian Patent Office is very stringent for adherence to these deadlines, and failure to meet them may result in the rejection of a patent application. Thus, it is very important for a patent professional or an Applicant to cautiously meet the to avoid any adverse effect on the application. This article covers the consequences and remedies under the Indian patent laws in case any deadline associated with the patent application is missed.

News & Analysis

Amendment to the Safe Harbor Standards Under the Guidelines for Examination of Unlawful Support

06 February 2023 by Jipyong - South Korea

Effective from December 9, 2022, the amended Guidelines for Examination of Unlawful Support (the “Guidelines”) expands the scope and modifies the standards of the existing safe harbor.