Recently, Hui Ye Law Firm assisted WW Holding Inc., a listed company on the Taiwan Stock Exchange, in completing the record filing for overseas issuance of shares with the China Securities Regulatory Commission (CSRC) for its cash capital increase and issuance of new shares and convertible bonds with guarantees project. This issuance raised approximately NTD 351 million for new share offerings and NTD 446 million for convertible bonds with guarantees, both exceeding the initial fundraising targets.

The issuer of this project has operating entities and actual business activities both domestically and overseas. Its issuance of new shares and convertible bonds involves understanding and applying relevant legal provisions related to new regulations for overseas listings and medium- to long-term foreign debts, including the Trial Measures for Domestic Enterprises Issuing Securities Overseas and Listing Management and the Management Measures for Examination, Registration, and Management of Medium- and Long-Term Foreign Debts of Enterprises. At the beginning of the project, Hui Ye’s legal team submitted written consultations to the National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) and applied for pre-communication with the China Securities Regulatory Commission (CSRC). Based on prudent principles, they considered submitting a formal record application to the CSRC within three working days after the initial issuance was completed. The project also involves reporting on the summary issuance and listing situation of multiple issuances. Through continuous and good communication between the project team and regulatory authorities, the CSRC confirmed that this project falls within the record scope and recorded the issuance in May 2024. This case has significant reference significance for the record of securities issued by Taiwan-funded enterprises after overseas listing.

This project is hosted and signed by Lawyer Lixian XU and Lawyer Zhicheng PAN, with Guoyin AN and Qingqing LI forming the project team together. They provided high-quality specialized legal services to clients, receiving high recognition from them.

Lawyer Lixian XU has over ten years of practice experience and has provided legal services to numerous well-known enterprises and investment institutions since starting her career. She specializes in overseas listing, investment and mergers, private equity investment, and other related businesses.

Lawyer Zhicheng PAN, a PhD in law, specializes in antitrust, anti-unfair competition, and intellectual property protection. He has assisted multiple clients in handling concentration declaration for operators, establishing antitrust compliance systems, and dealing with antitrust administrative investigations or civil litigation. Lawyer PAN has been selected for the Ministry of Justice's database of a thousand foreign-related lawyers and has been repeatedly ranked in the top antitrust lawyers list by LEGALBAND and recommended in the antitrust field by The Legal 500.

WW Holdings is registered in the Cayman Islands and was listed as a foreign company on the Taiwan Stock Exchange in 2016 with the stock code 8442. Its main products include boutique bags, sports equipment, and accessories, providing design and OEM services to many international renowned brands such as NIKE, Under Armour, TUMI, and KIPLING. It has production bases in China, Vietnam, Thailand, and Cambodia, with an annual revenue of approximately NTD 8.54 billion in 2022.

The Financial Securities Professional Committee of Hui Ye Law Firm specializes in securities issuance, corporate financing, mergers and acquisitions, funds, bonds, asset securitization, financing leasing, and dispute resolution in these areas. It consists of dozens of partners and senior lawyers from Shanghai, Chengdu, Chongqing, Changsha, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Wuhan, and other cities, forming a professional service team. Over the years, the Financial Securities Professional Committee has provided a wide range of legal services to numerous large commercial banks, securities firms, insurance companies, fund companies, listed companies, and financing leasing companies both domestically and internationally. They have handled a series of influential financial securities litigation and arbitration cases, accumulated rich practice experience, gained trust from clients, and received high recognition.