Atsumi & Sakai1, a major law firm based in Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, is pleased to announce that Mr. Alan Kitchin (gaikokuho jimu bengoshi for the laws of United Kingdom; Solicitor of England & Wales), who has been for years a leader in the cross-border projects, project finance and cross-border M&A areas, has joined our Tokyo Office as Partner to lead its international projects and M&A practice.
In 1987 Mr. Kitchin founded the Energy Group of a UK-headquartered global law firm (presently named Ashurst); in 1989 he founded the firm’s Tokyo Office and for 15 years served as the Managing Partner of the Tokyo Office and was head of its Asian practice after the opening of its office in Singapore. Subsequently he was a Senior Partner at another UK-headquartered global law firm: Clifford Chance’s Tokyo Office, after which he managed his own law practice in London.
Mr. Kitchin has for many years worked in the global project, project finance and international M&A areas; among other things he managed many matters for Tokyo-based Japanese clients, including government-owned financial institutions (including a number of ECAs), major Japanese and foreign banks, major trading houses and many other prestigious companies.
At our Tokyo Office multiple gaikokuho jimu bengoshis for the laws of United Kingdom; Solicitors of England & Wales who practice projects and project finance matters have joined us as Partners. Now with the joining of Mr. Kitchin our firm’s practice in the area of international projects and project finance is further strengthened. This has been a consistent initiative of our firm to continually strengthen our capability in the area of international project, project finance and cross-border M&A transactions. It is unique to Tokyo-headquartered Japanese domestic law firms, and enables us to always assist clients with achieving their international goals.
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1 Atsumi & Sakai (Chioyda-ku, Tokyo, includes 254 lawyers in total (as of February 25, 2025; includes lawyers of Atsumi & Sakai LPC, offices operated by the Foreign Law Joint Venture, and the Frankfurt affiliate office)) was founded in 1994 and is the first major independent Japanese law firm with foreign lawyers as full partners. We currently have offices in New York, London, Frankfurt, Brussels and Ho Chi Minh City, with the London and Frankfurt offices celebrating their 10th anniversary of establishment in 2025. As a full-service law firm, A&S has provided international legal services and supported the value creation of clients with global needs for many years. We are a Big 6 Japanese law firm that mainly practices, finance, corporate and cross-border matters.