Mr. JI Chaoyi, Partner, Head of Dispute Resolution Department. Mr. Ji’s practice focuses on commercial arbitration and litigation. Mr. Ji serves as Secretary General of International Business Research Committee of Beijing Chaoyang District Lawyers Association, Associate Director of Young Lawyers Working Committee of Beijing Chaoyang District Lawyers Association. Mr. Ji was invited by World Bank in the Doing Business 2018, 2019& 2020 researches in the field of small investor protection & enforcing contract in China.
纪超一,合伙人,争议解决部负责人。担任北京市朝阳区律师协会国际业务研究会秘书长,北京市朝阳区律师协会青年律师工作委员会副主任。2018年、2019年及2020年,受世界银行邀请参加Doing Business项目,作为专家参与对北京市营商环境的调研及评分工作。2018年的调研主题为中小投资者保护,2019年及2020年的调研主题为执行合同。How does your firm add value to your clients?
We help clients balance legal risks, costs and commercial benefits. We help clients make accurate decision to maximize business benefits at minimal cost.
What is the key to maintaining long term client relationships?
We always try our best to understand clients’ commercial purpose. We always put ourselves in clients’ shoes to understand their pressure and position. The most important key factor is we know how to win the case.
What internal training services do you provide to your lawyers to ensure they maintain high standards?
We have a yearly internal training scheme.
What do you think differentiates your firm’s services from your peers?
We have stronger sense of responsibility than all others. We are always approachable. We never give doctrinal or empty legal advice. Our advice is always insightful and operable.
Has your firm implemented technology to meet your client’s needs? If so, what did you introduce?
Yes. We have bought memberships of case law database and law database for all lawyers from dispute resolution department.
How do you ensure you stay relevant to your clients?
We establish the most trusting relationship with our clients and understand their pressures and situations in each commercial dispute.
Are there any changes you are considering implementing in the near future to better serve your clients?
First, in each case, we conduct necessary due diligence to dig background information of the parties involved in the dispute. Second, we conduct in-depth legal research on the key points of the case. Third, we strengthen communication and interaction with clients. Fourth, we refined the case management work.
How do you manage the costs and budgets of your clients?
We will fully understand the needs of clients so that we will be able to provide accurate legal services. Our efficient way of case management reduces the cost of communication with clients.
What different payment models or schemes do you offer (eg. Hourly basis, project basis, etc.).
We adopt flexible fee modes to meet our clients’ requirement. We offer hourly basis and value basis. In certain types of cases, we also accept contingency basis.
How does your firm allocate staffing resources for your client’s work in terms of seniority and/or budget to meet the client’s needs?”
We have a full-range of levels of lawyers in dispute resolution department. We find out the clients’ need, the type of work and the complexity of the work at first. Then, we allocate appropriate level of lawyer to do the work.
Where does your firm or lawyers demonstrate leadership thinking or insight pieces to show its on top of legal and business updates?
Business practices create law, so law should evolve with business. We develop with our clients. We are not only external counsels to our clients. We deem ourselves as the extension of legal department of our clients.
How does a firm handle conflicts (like work conflicts, between clients)?
We follow the principle of first come, first served. We take into account the level of emergency of different works. We also respect long term relationship with clients.