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Showing 2471 - 2480 of 3164 for "Corporate and M&A" with applied filters

News & Analysis

ESG Series – International Capital Market Association: Principles on Sustainable Finance Instruments - Applications in Hong Kong listed bonds

29 June 2022 by LC Lawyers

As of 10 May 2022, the Hong Kong Stock Exchange included 94 bonds in its “Sustainable Finance Products” bond repository , out of which 79 issuances are categorized as green bonds. The other categories are 2 social, 1 sustainability, 3 sustainability-linked, 2 blue, 6 transition and 1 COVID-19 bonds.

News & Analysis

ESG Series – International Capital Market Association: Principles on Sustainable Finance Instruments

28 June 2022 by LC Lawyers

Green, social and sustainability-linked bonds listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange adopt principles formulated by the International Capital Market Association (ICMA). This article introduces the core elements in those principles.

News & Analysis

Synergize GBA series: Cross-border data transfers in mainland China

27 June 2022 by LC Lawyers

In 2021, we have seen significant changes in the data protection regime in mainland China. Specifically, the Data Security Law (DSL) and the Personal Information Protection Law (PIPL) came into effect on 1 September 2021 and 1 November 2021 respectively.

News & Analysis

Re Scomi Group Bhd: Judicial Management Not Available for Public Listed Companies?

23 June 2022 by Shearn Delamore & Co

In this article, Douglas Goh Peng Fong discusses whether a public listed company can apply for a judicial management order under Subdivision 2 of Division 8 (Corporate Rescue Mechanism) of Part III of the Companies Act 2016 (“CA”).

News & Analysis

Anticipated Changes in Fair Trade Policies under the Suk-yeol Yoon Presidency

15 June 2022 by Jipyong - South Korea

The inauguration of Mr. Suk-yeol Yoon as the twentieth president of the Republic of Korea took place on May 10, resulting in a shift in governing party from the Democratic Party to the People Power Party. It is anticipated that this political shift will bring about changes in various public policies.

News & Analysis

Amendments on The Establishment, Management, Supervision and Dissolution of State-Owned Enterprises

15 June 2022 by Makarim & Taira S - Indonesia

President Joko Widodo has signed Government Regulation No. 23 of 2022 (“GR No. 23/2022”) on Amendments to Government Regulation No. 45 of 2005 on The Establishment, Management, Supervision and Dissolution of State-Owned Enterprises. GR No. 23/2022 focuses on amending several provisions of GR No. 45/ 2005, particularly regarding senior officers and employees of State-Owned Enterprises (“BUMN”).

News & Analysis

DTR Automotive Corporation’s Purchase of Stake in Doosan Machine Tools from MBK Partners

12 June 2022 by Kim & Chang - South Korea

In this transaction, MBK Partners successfully exited from its investment in Doosan Machine Tools, while DTR Automotive Corporation was able to diversify its business via its acquisition of the company.

News & Analysis


09 June 2022 by asialaw

asialaw's Deal of the Month for May 2022 is...

News & Analysis


09 June 2022 by asialaw

asialaw's Lawyer of the Month for May 2022 is...

News & Analysis

Defamation: When a drama is just a drama

06 June 2022 by Shearn Delamore & Co

It is common for fictional works to contain stylistic and creative choices and the use of artistic license. The question arises whether there is a limit to such creativity where life events intersect with such creativity.