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Showing 1 - 10 of 37 for "LexOrbis" with applied filters


LexOrbis - India

Practice areas

Intellectual property


Abhai Pandey

Practice areas

Intellectual property


Manisha Singh

Practice areas

Intellectual property

News & Analysis

Anand and Anand on-boards senior IP lawyer as TM partner

10 April 2024 by Anand and Anand

Anand and Anand on-boards senior IP lawyer as TM partner

News & Analysis

Fast-Tracking Cleantech Patenting in India

08 April 2024 by DPS Parmar (Special Counsel)

The emergence of the cleantech industry dates back to the publication of reports relating to global warming or cities turning into gas chambers due to air pollution.

News & Analysis

Division of an Application as a Tool to Enhance Private Value of a Patent

18 March 2024 by DPS Parmar (Special Counsel)

Division of an Application as a Tool to Enhance Private Value of a Patent

News & Analysis

India Announces Progressive Changes in Patents Rules, 2003

15 March 2024 by Manisha Singh (Partner) & Rajeev Kumar (Partner)

India Announces Progressive Changes in Patents Rules, 2003

News & Analysis

India’s Rise to Innovative Excellence - Achieving 100,000 Patents in One Year

15 March 2024 by Manisha Singh (Partner) & Shivi Gupta (Managing Associate)

India’s Rise to Innovative Excellence - Achieving 100,000 Patents in One Year

News & Analysis

Patenting Green Hydrogen Production: New Hope for Clean Energy

05 March 2024 by DPS Parmar (Special Counsel)

Edwin Drake and Mamadou Ngulo Konare have one thing in common: both struck energy gold from Mother Earth.

News & Analysis

Patenting Scope in Biofuel-Related Inventions

12 February 2024 by DPS Parmar (Special Counsel)

Biofuels are closely associated with living material. They are different from the traditional first-generation biofuels obtained from long-dead organic matter.