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News & Analysis

Asialaw Dispute Resolution Awards 2017 – 7 days until the announcement

21 September 2017 by Asia law

The nominations for the third annual Asialaw Asia-Pacific Dispute Resolution Awards have been announced

News & Analysis

Wim Naing joins MHM Yangon

21 September 2017 by Asia law

MHM Yangon hire new partner

News & Analysis

Moves of the week - September 19 2017

19 September 2017 by Asia law

This week's moves came at Hicksons, Johnson Winter & Slattery, Corrs Chambers Westgarth, Thomson Geer and DibbsBarker in Australia, while IndusLaw added two partners to its Hyderabad team.

News & Analysis

Thailand introduces new competition law

12 September 2017 by Asia law

Tougher competition legislation will enter into force in Thailand on October 5. Important features of the Trade Competition Act include a dual merger approval system, the ability for the Competition Commission to impose criminal sanctions and an expansion of the scope of businesses covered, including state-owned enterprises. Though a competition law has been in place for the past 18 years, the authorities have never used it to prosecute anyone. The ineffectiveness of the existing law has prompted them to strengthen regulations.

News & Analysis

Tesla’s fast pace appeals to Denise Ho

08 September 2017 by Asia law

Meet Denise Ho, Head of Legal, Asia Pacific (ex China) at Tesla. Passionate about technology, innovation and sustainable energy, she has found she thrives in a fast-paced environment that is always changing and keeps her thinking on her feet. That is what she has at Tesla, which is quickly expanding into different markets with its electric vehicles and energy products. She tells Asialaw about her career change from a M&A lawyer to the in-house role at Tesla and the challenging yet fulfilling aspects of her job.

News & Analysis

Partner moves and firm updates for the week of Sep 4

05 September 2017 by Asia law

Latest updates from Hong Kong, Singapore, India and more

News & Analysis

New Zealand joins Global Patent Prosecution Highway

04 September 2017 by Asia law

The Intellectual Property Office of New Zealand (IPONZ) became a participant patent office in the Global Patent Prosecution Highway (GPPH) on July 6.

News & Analysis

New Balance scores win in Chinese trade mark infringement case

01 September 2017 by Asia law

New Balance has won in a trade mark infringement dispute in a first instance decision from the Suzhou Intermediate People’s Court. The court ordered the defendants to pay damages and legal costs of RMB10 million ($1.47 million) in a case involving the use of the shoemaker’s slanting logo.

News & Analysis

Partner moves and firm updates for the week of Aug.28

31 August 2017 by Asia law

Latest updates from Myanmar, Hong Kong and Australia

News & Analysis

Philippine businesses grapple with data privacy regulations

30 August 2017 by Asia law

The implementing rules and regulations for The Philippines’s Data Privacy Act (DPA) came into force almost a year ago. However, businesses are still feeling the effects of the new law as they grapple with the requirements to seek consent from the individuals and organisations whose data they want to collect.