Showing 3061 - 3070 of 3230 for "Banking and financial services" with applied filters
05 July 2017 by Asia law
The research for this year’s Asialaw Asia-Pacific Dispute Resolution Awards 2017 is complete and the shortlists will be available on this page soon.
04 July 2017 by Asia law
The ASX (Australian Stock Exchange) has proposed changes to its listing rules to require bidders to obtain shareholder approval for reverse takeovers. These would be takeover bids or schemes of arrangement where the bidder issues more than 100% of existing capital in a bid. The change will probably begin on October 1 but would not apply to transactions announced before the implementation date.
03 July 2017 by Asia law
Latest partner moves and firm updates from Thailand, Singapore, India and more
28 June 2017 by Asia law
Malaysia’s Securities Commission has announced a new Code on corporate governance to increase the accountability and transparency of public companies. The code took effect on April 26 and all publicly listed companies will be required to comply with it from their annual reports for the 2017 financial year ending December 31.
27 June 2017 by Asia law
July 1 marks the 20th anniversary since Hong Kong’s return to China and the start of its One Country Two Systems policy, which was created by Deng Xiaoping to give Hong Kong the ability to retain its economic, legal and political system, through the Basic Law, after reunification with China. Hong Kong’s reputation as a gateway for trade and the rapid development China’s legal system point to a growing need for cooperation and collaboration in the international rule of law, especially as investment increases with initiatives such as One Belt One Road (OBOR) and for policy makers, business people and academics to discuss and understand how this might work.
26 June 2017 by Asia law
Latest partner moves and firm updates from Singapore, Australia and India
21 June 2017 by Asia law
Vietnam’s Ministry of Industry and Trade has put out a draft competition law that aims to bring the country’s existing competition laws more in line with international markets. Unlike the existing law, the draft law explicitly covers foreign entities, and introduces anti-competition effect and market power concepts. It is expected to be submitted to the National Assembly later this year and will probably come into force in mid-2018.
20 June 2017 by Asia law
Latest moves and updates from India and Australia
19 June 2017 by Asia law
India’s government has announced a change to the Banking Regulation Act to allow the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) to give directions to banks to launch bankruptcy proceedings against defaulters.
15 June 2017 by Asia law
Like it or not, arbitration can be expensive. Third-party funding arrangements offer a possible solution.