Showing 2251 - 2260 of 3170 for "Banking and financial services" with applied filters
30 May 2022 by
As indicated in numerous press statements1 issued by the Malaysia Competition Commission (“MyCC”) in recent years, MyCC is undertaking an exercise to amend the Competition Act 2010 (“CA 2010”), most notably to introduce a general merger control regime in Malaysia and to enhance its powers under the CA 2010.
15 May 2022 by
A case note by Yap Jun Cheng
10 May 2022 by
Expert Analysis Article
05 May 2022 by
The Federal Court (“FC”) in Auspicious Journey Sdn Bhd v Ebony Ritz Sdn Bhd1 has affirmed in its reasoning on whether the remedy in section 181 of the Companies Act 1965 (“CA 1965”) (now section 346 of the Companies Act 2016 (“CA 2016”)) in a case where an organ of a company is exercising its power in an oppressive manner to the minority that liability may be imposed onto parties other than the majority shareholders.
30 April 2022 by
Amendments have been made to the Patents Act 1983 (“PA1983”) and Patent Regulations 1986 (“PR1986”), via the Patents (Amendment) Act 2022 (“the Amending Act”) and Patents (Amendment) Regulations 2022 (“the Amending Regulations”).
21 April 2022 by
In this article, Ng Lyn Ee considers the length of notice required to validly terminate a tenancy.
30 March 2022 by
The issue of whether an employee is transferred or seconded can sometimes prove rather contentious. In a transfer, the employment relationship to transferred to the new employer (i.e. the original company is no longer the employer), whereas in a secondment situation, the employee remains under the employment of the original company but may perform work for the secondee company.
17 March 2022 by
Introduction With effect from 1 April 2022, Malaysia will enter the “Transition to Endemic” phase.
21 February 2022 by
The Ministry of Public Works and Housing (“MPW”) has issued the Circular Letter No. 21/SE/M/2021 on The Procedures for Fulfillment of the Business License Requirements, the Implementation of Construction Work Competence Certification, and the Implementation of Business Entity Certificates and Construction Work Competence Certificates (“Circular Letter”). Previously, the construction licensing is scattered into a few online platforms, such as the MPW’s online portal and Integrated Construction Services Information System (“SIJK”).
26 January 2022 by
Following the issuance of Constitutional Court Ruling No. 15/PUU-XII/2014 dated 11 November 2014, up until now, no clear guidance has been provided on the use of Article 70 of the Arbitration Law (Law No. 30 of 1999) ie, the reasons for which an arbitration award can be annulled. This advisory discusses the recent development in the interpretation of Article 70 of the Arbitration Law by the Indonesian courts.