Showing 2641 - 2650 of 3171 for "Banking and financial services" with applied filters
29 May 2020 by Asia law
Atlas Asia strengthens funds and regulatory practice
28 May 2020 by Asia law
Firms have advised China biotech company Akeso on its $312 million IPO in Hong Kong
27 May 2020 by Asia law
The ruling ends an eight-year legal dispute between Jordan and Qiaodan
26 May 2020 by Asia law
Jonathan Zhou will join Ant Financial as chief legal officer
26 May 2020 by Asia law
Prior to going public, it is very common for a company to be owned entirely or substantially by its founders and/or early investors, which are the “controller shareholders” of a listing applicant.
22 May 2020 by Asia law
This is the largest electricity project and most important investment in FBiH since the 1990s
22 May 2020 by Youdy Bun
Bun & Associates shares the firm's success at delivering client service excellence with asialaw
22 May 2020 by Chaoyi Ji
Ji Chaoyi shares his firm's success at delivering client service excellence with asialaw
22 May 2020 by Asia law
Kim & Chang, Yulchon and Debevoise feature as legal advisers
22 May 2020 by Luky I Walalangi
Luky Walalangi shares his firm's success at delivering client service excellence with asialaw