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Showing 1261 - 1270 of 2170 for "Hui Ye Law Firm" with applied filters

News & Analysis

CKH v CKG – clarifying the grounds for setting aside an arbitral award

10 May 2022 by Ng Yuan Siang

Expert Analysis Article

News & Analysis

New PIPC Manual on Personal Data Processing Consent and Guideline for Privacy Policies

09 May 2022 by Jipyong - South Korea

On March 3, 2022, a new “Easy-to-Understand Manual on Consent for Personal Data Processing” (the “Manual”) and “Guideline for Writing Privacy Policies” (the “Guideline”) were published by the Personal Information Protection Committee of Korea (the “PIPC”).

News & Analysis

Corporate/M&A Auspicious Journey: The Federal Court decides on minority shareholders rights

05 May 2022 by A case note by David Lim Wei Choon

The Federal Court (“FC”) in Auspicious Journey Sdn Bhd v Ebony Ritz Sdn Bhd1 has affirmed in its reasoning on whether the remedy in section 181 of the Companies Act 1965 (“CA 1965”) (now section 346 of the Companies Act 2016 (“CA 2016”)) in a case where an organ of a company is exercising its power in an oppressive manner to the minority that liability may be imposed onto parties other than the majority shareholders.

News & Analysis

Recent Success cases of BEIJING GAOWO LAW FIRM

28 April 2022 by Beijing Gaowo Law Firm - China

Press Release

News & Analysis

Real Estate: What is the length of notice required to terminate a tenancy validly?

21 April 2022 by Shearn Delamore & Co

In this article, Ng Lyn Ee considers the length of notice required to validly terminate a tenancy.

News & Analysis

Met the Enterprise Name "东方", the Trademark "东方" was not Approved Eventually

19 April 2022 by Beijing Gaowo Law Firm - China

Press Release

News & Analysis

Determining if an Employee is Transferred or Seconded

30 March 2022 by Shearn Delamore & Co

The issue of whether an employee is transferred or seconded can sometimes prove rather contentious. In a transfer, the employment relationship to transferred to the new employer (i.e. the original company is no longer the employer), whereas in a secondment situation, the employee remains under the employment of the original company but may perform work for the secondee company.

News & Analysis

New President-Elect’s Labor Policy Outlook

21 March 2022 by Lee & Ko - South Korea

We summarized some of the key policy proposals of the president-elect in regards to the employment and labor laws of Korea.

News & Analysis

Transition to Endemic — What it Means for the Employers in Malaysia?

17 March 2022 by Shearn Delamore & Co

Introduction With effect from 1 April 2022, Malaysia will enter the “Transition to Endemic” phase.

News & Analysis

Where should the patent invalidation procedure go after the patent right is preserved?

08 March 2022 by Beijing Gaowo Law Firm - China; Du Yangyang, Tan Yanyan

Press Release