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Showing 1001 - 1010 of 1669 for "Assegaf Hamzah & Partners" with applied filters

News & Analysis

DSK Legal successfully advises Railway Board, Ministry of Railways

01 March 2023 by DSK Legal - India

DSK Legal has successfully advised and assisted the Railway Board, Ministry of Railways in a ₹26,000 crore ($3.25 billion) project, relating to supply and maintenance of electric locomotives for freight movement in India, to be executed by global engineering and technology firm Siemens in collaboration with the Indian Railways.

News & Analysis

New Financial Sector Omnibus Law: Financing Service Businesses

28 February 2023 by Makarim & Taira S - Indonesia

Continuing on from our first advisory on the P2SK Law, we delve deeper into its provisions with a specific focus on Chapter X, which covers finance services businesses. This chapter applies to a variety of entities involved in finance services, including those providing peer-to-peer lending services, and aligns with the P2SK Law's aim of promoting technological innovation in finance services while protecting consumers.

News & Analysis

Singularity sets-up shop in the Middle East, Bringing Innovative Legal Services and International Dispute Resolution Expertise to the Region

27 February 2023 by Singularity Legal - India

Singularity Legal, an Asia-Africa focused international dispute law firm, has announced the opening of its new office in the UAE, marking a significant milestone in the company's expansion in the Middle East.

News & Analysis

Anand and Anand launches ‘Digital Group’

20 February 2023 by Anand and Anand - India

In its centenary year, Tier I full-service Intellectual Property firm Anand and Anand today announced the launch of its ‘Digital Group’.

News & Analysis

Hong Kong Companies Registry’s new inspection regime and personal data protection (Phase 2)

28 November 2022 by LC Lawyers

In our previous article , we introduced the three phases of the new inspection regime under the Companies Ordinance of Hong Kong. Phase 1 was implemented on 23 August 2021. In this article, we will discuss Phase 2 which will come into effect on 24 October 2022.

News & Analysis

Expansion of mainland-Hong Kong financial markets connectivity

20 November 2022 by LC Lawyers

On 2 September 2022, at the Annual Forum of the China International Fair for Trade in Services, Dr. Fang Xinghai, Vice Chairman of the China Securities Regulatory Commission (CSRC), indicated that the CSRC will work with Hong Kong’s relevant authorities to launch three new initiatives to expand the connectivity of the mainland and Hong Kong capital markets.

News & Analysis

Indonesia’s Competition Authority Takes SME Partnership Supervision to a New Level

11 November 2022 by Makarim & Taira S - Indonesia

The year 2022 marks a historic era for Indonesia’s Business Competition Authority (“KPPU”) as it is the year KPPU ruling on Partnerships involving Small Medium Enterprises (“SME”)’s passed. While stakeholders find it undisputed that SME Partnerships are distinct from competition matters, the prevailing laws and regulations provide that the supervision of SME Partnerships is borne by KPPU. Now that KPPU is actively enforcing that authority, business actors need be aware of and observe this issue moving forward.

News & Analysis

Should Hong Kong businesses be resetting their integrity agenda?

25 July 2022 by LC Lawyers

COVID-19 disrupted businesses globally and impacted the way they operate, with knock on effects on employees, counterparties and customers. Amid the turmoil, new opportunities and challenges emerged, some posing difficult ethical dilemmas affecting future viability and success of businesses. These factors created a perfect storm for misconduct. Two plus years on, we are starting to see its impact on businesses and their personnel.

News & Analysis

Long Service Payment and Severance Payment in Hong Kong - Abolishment of Offsetting Arrangement

05 July 2022 by LC Lawyers

The Government passed the Employment and Retirement Schemes Legislation (Offsetting Arrangement) (Amendment) Bill 2022 on 9 June 2022 to abolish the use of the accrued benefits of employers' mandatory contributions under the Mandatory Provident Fund (“MPF”) System to offset severance payment (“SP”) and long service payment (“LSP”). While this development is welcome by employees, certain preparation should be made by Hong Kong employers especially for those whose workforce experiences low turnover.

News & Analysis

Revised Hong Kong listing regime for overseas issuers

04 July 2022 by LC Lawyers

A revised listing regime for overseas issuers on the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong (SEHK) took effect following consultation on 1 January 2022.