Showing 651 - 660 of 1002 for "Singularity Legal" with applied filters
20 July 2023 by
Deals can be a minefield of legal challenges and risks. July 2023's Deal of the Month was no exception. This article delves into the legal challenges that had to be navigated to make it a success.
17 July 2023 by
The Hong Kong Dollar (HKD)-Renminbi (RMB) Dual Counter Model was launched in the Hong Kong stock market on 19 June 2023. The first batch covers 24 companies which already have their shares listed on the Main Board of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange and traded in HKD.
13 July 2023 by
Hydrogen power, among other new and renewable energy sources, is garnering attention as one of the carbon-free power generation sources in Korea.
05 July 2023 by
The Special Act on the Promotion of Dispersed Energy (the Dispersed Energy Act) was recently enacted as of June 13, 2023 and, on the same date, the amendment to the Electric Utility Act (also known as the Electricity Business Act) (the Amendment) was also promulgated, both of which will come into force as of June 14, 2024.
27 June 2023 by
The firm has won Luxury law Firm Award twice earlier; only Indian firm to be so recognised
23 June 2023 by
asialaw's Lawyer of the Month for June 2023 is...
20 June 2023 by
On April 13, 2023, the Securities and Exchange Commission ("SEC") issued Memorandum Circular No. 4, Series of 2023 ("MC 4-23") to adopt the ASEAN Sustainable and Responsible Fund Standards ("ASEAN SRFS") and establish rules on the qualifications of local investment companies
08 June 2023 by
Personality rights, commonly known as ‘right of publicity,’ guarantees an individual right in one’s personal attributes such as appearance, signature, voice, silhouette, face, features, gestures, expressions, mannerisms etc, paving way for an individual to use and commercialise one’s identity.
31 May 2023 by
On 22 May 2023, the Ministry of Employment and Labor (MOEL) announced a significant update to its “Guidelines for Workplace Risk Assessment“ (Guidelines), effective immediately.
30 May 2023 by
Lee & Ko’s Antitrust & Competition Group successfully represented three major Korean shipbuilding companies in the court action involving Gaztransport & Technigaz SA (GTT), the exclusive holder of key patents in technology for manufacturing/constructing membrane storage tanks used on liquefied natural gas carriers (LNG Carrier).